
Aura Stripes

This is a slouchy hat that I am working on. I am about 85% at this point. Still have enough yarn left to make a pair if mittens.

So the hat is finished. Working on the mitts at this time. Loving this yarn so much.



So here is the finished hat with the mitts over 75% complete. What do you think of them so far.

I am also loving the crochet hook you see there. It was made for me by a swap-bot friend. I just love it. To the point of either getting more, learning how to make, or swap for more of them.



Happy New Year everyone. I completed 22+ projects over the course of a year. That is amazing for me. I also have a few that I am still working on.

I have met some wonderful people over this past year. From Swap-Bot.com and from The Crochet Crowd. Mikey is 'da bomb' when it comes to working with his hands. I am so glad I got a chance to meet him and work with him.

Looking forward to meeting up with him again at the next Festivals. My year has been so creative and full of items from all over the country.

I am loving my Swapping friends as well as everyone else I have met in my Creative Circles.

Happy New Year again and I hope it is a creative year for you as well.
